
Professional Hair Products




Without Resorcinol

RESORCINOL is an intermediate label that can often cause irritation and allergies.

In the staining HS MILAN is replaced by 2-METHYL RESORCINOL (INCI: 2-methylresorcinol), the molecule less irritating and allergenic.

No Para-phenylenediamine


The PARA-PHENYLENEDIAMINE (PPD) is the intermediate dye most widely used in hair dyes, but also the most responsible of contact allergies.


In the staining HS MILAN is replaced by PARA-toluene diamine (INCI: toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate), with the power the allergenic bottom.

Nickel Tested

The NICKEL is among the heavy metals, the main cause of allergies (contact dermatitis) in the general population.

Also the content of residual nickel can create allergic reactions or sensitization in susceptible individuals. Since its presence, even in traces, is often inevitable in hair dye products, because it is derived from impurities of the colorants, each production batch is analyzed to ensure a nickel content less than 0.0001% (< 1 ppm), a level considered “threshold” for allergies.

Without Silicones

SILICONES are polymers, inorganic, synthetic, silicon derivatives. They are effective in giving texture to the product and shine and elasticity to the hair, thanks to the films that create. However, this effect is immediately easy to appreciate in the long term can have negative results as the film, leaving not penetrate the air and water, tends to dry the hair.

The hair loses even luster, because it is affected by the natural hydration of the stem, and dirty and weighs more easily.